Posts Tagged ‘kindle’

One of my best friends was over visiting me from Ireland for the past few days and we spent most of her visit catching up over a drink…wine, cocktails, beer, tequila!Yesterday marked twelve days in a row where I drank at least one unit of alcohol.  As a result I feel pretty ropey right now. Sore throat, muggy head, sick stomach – and my skin….well thank god for Laura Mercier that’s all I’ll say. My diet is badly in need of a kick up the a**.

If you read food blogs or newspapers online you will have noticed that sugar is now enemy number 1 to a healthy diet and weight loss regime. There are many extreme opinions online about how sugar is ‘toxic’, causes anything from cancer to liver disease, and countless articles about how ‘sugar is the enemy’. Now I’m not a nutritionist so I can’t really comment on all of these but I do think that a balanced diet is both better for your overall health, and also more attainable long-term than cutting anything out completely. There is no doubt that eating too much sugar is bad for your health, but cutting it out completely does not seem, to me, like a healthy, or realistic goal to have.

I recently realised that I eat an extraordinarily large amount of sugar each day. I have logged my daily food intake and exercise on the website MyFitnessPal for the past 4-5 years – I’m quite goal oriented when it comes to food so having a calorie & exercise target each day gives me such a kick that it’s a bit sad. I usually just take note of the calorie/fat intake each day but recently I started paying attention to how  much sugar I have been eating. (more…)

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