Posts Tagged ‘Home Baking’

Yum yum, I baked some chocolate fudge brownies and cupcakes last night. I am very glad that my appetite is non-existent at the moment or I would have eaten all of these for breakfast.


20120913-095340.jpg Oktoberfest planning over lunch with the girls. Grilled chicken salad with oriental style dressing. Super healthy, super tasty.


Just finished an amazing gym session, now I’m sitting on the couch having dinner. Cucumber and avocado maki from Wasabi. Yum yum!


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Breakfast: Oreo, raspberry, white chocolate cheesecake cupcake. My teeth hurt from the amount of sugar in these things. I cannot seem to get a good picture of them. Basically, they are mini cheesecakes but the base of each is a whole Oreo, then poured on top is a basic cheesecake mixture with chopped Oreos and raspberries. I melted some white chocolate and drizzled that over too.



Went to Tortilla, a mexican restaurant for lunch with BF. I walk past here most days on my way for food and always love the delicious smells wafting out, but I’ve never eaten there for one reason: Food Pressure. I suffer from this so badly…basically when I have to decide what I want to eat in a rush or in front of people I become a ball of indecision and generally end up eating nothing, or making the WORST decision. I waste so much money and food by just pointing to things I know I won’t eat. If I could just order my lunch online, where I have all the time in the world then I would be much happier, and richer too!

In Tortilla you join a (massive) queue and once you reach the servers it’s like a burrito production line – you tell each server what you would like in your burrito/salad, they add it and pass it to the next server for the next set of ingredients. I took the plunge today, mainly because it was that or Itsu veggie sushi for the third day running and I need some variety on this blog. I ordered a vegetarian salad bowl with guacamole, sour cream and tortilla chips. I would have gone for meat but food pressure kicked in, triggering my stammer, and vegetarian is a lot easier to say than chicken! Definitely not regretting my decision, it was so fresh & delicious, and filling too. It looks just like a lot of lettuce in the picture but there are a lot of other tasty things at the bottom. They also sell frozen margaritas, if it wasn’t considered unacceptable to drink tequila at lunchtime I would have been right on one of those bad boys….



I ate a fruit salad from Waitrose for dinner, fresh pineapple, pomegranate and grapes. Had planned to cook something but got home late and spent a few hours Skyping my two sisters. Love you guys!!


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Day 4..Home

Home sweet home!
Came home at 7.30 am and went straight to bed. Just woke up to the smell of homemade bread, tomato soup, and rhubarb tart that my mom has made.

Just what the doctor ordered.

God it feels so good to be home and sitting at my kitchen table.


Slept through lunch, just woke up at 6.30 and I am ravenous!! BF and I made a huge salad with every vegetable in the cupboards with homemade honey and mustard dressing. Also sprinkled a little parmesan and black pepper over it. Delicious!



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My housemate and I baked a cake for our other housemates birthday which is tomorrow. Found these sugar flowers in Tesco which really finish it off. Now all we have to do is hide it……and try not to eat it!!



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