Posts Tagged ‘Adventurous eats’

Wow, wow, wow. I have just returned from such an amazing dinner that it deserves it’s own post. As I mentioned earlier today, BF planned a meal this evening in a surprise restaurant. Now I’m not sure if I mentioned but I am incredibly picky with food, well I don’t know if I would describe it as picky or particular but I like what I like and I don’t really see the need to try new stuff. Hence the blog… Well it turns out that BF has a pretty good handle on my particular ways and chose the most perfect, steph-friendly restaurant for this evening.

We went to Dalla Terra in Covent Garden, an Italian wine bar. I could not be more in love with this place, the food, wine, service, location, and ambience were exquisite. We both chose bruschetta to start, there were two types; tomato & basil and aubergine, ricotta and truffle oil. For our main we shared a cheeseboard, Tim also ordered steak tartar which I surprised myself by trying! Don’t think raw beef is my thing, but at least I gave it a go. Tim chose an expensive red wine, Amerone, he drank this on our first date so it was quite nostalgic. For dessert I had homemade Italian ice cream with fresh strawberries. I literally did not want this evening to finish! For any family reading this, I will be taking you here next time you visit.












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Excuse the absence but I have been phoneless since last time I posted. I met one of my longtime friends Aoife for a drink last Thursday evening and it was robbed off our table by some flower sellers. Thank god for insurance!

I had such a great weekend away with my housemates in Bath, it really is the most beautiful place. So incredibly disappointed I have no pictures to show for it.

I went for a gorgeous meal with BF last Friday at Kopapa, a New Zealand restaurant in Seven Dials. We shared a mezzo platter to start, I chose sea bream for my main while BF had the lamb, then we shared sorbet for dessert. It was my first sea bream experience, the flavour was a little more fishy than I am used to but I think I would try it again.

Since I have been without any camera for the weekend, BF has been very sweet and taken photos of his food so that I have something to put here

Must dash, Notting Hill is on and I LOVE this film so so much! It reminds me of my mom!





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7am about dedication! It helps that it is such a pretty morning.


Ravenous after my run but I’m going to try to find something filling without hitting the fry-up counter at work. **off to Google post gym breakfasts**


Whole-wheat toast with honey and a cup of milky tea. I must admit I feel a bit Anastasia Steele with my Twining’s English breakfast….fighting temptation to bite my lower lip.


Baby tomatoes, celery, and delicious Cool Mint & Chamomile tea I bought in Bangkok in June. Such an unusual but tasty tea combo. All I need is some hummus..

Adventurous Lunching!

Decided to be adventurous and try salmon for lunch! Was surprised at how little I hated it, which is quite good for me! Came with roasted baby potatoes and a salad. Super healthy, quite tasty. Added bonus of meeting one of my blogging goals.


Oh dear! Glitterbombs for dinner….


Had an amazing night in Shoreditch with a few friends. Far too many tequilas though.

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